There are endless options to book transportation for your trip. We’ve compiled a list of our go-to sites to book airfare, bus and train tickets, and car rentals. You will also find blog posts below with helpful tips and information all about transportation.
Google Flights
We always start our flight search with Google Flights. With the fare calendar, you can see prices for months in advance, which is beneficial in finding the cheapest days to fly out. Google Flights search functionality also allows you to explore different route options and to search from regions or multiple destinations. It’s a good tool to get an idea of the cheapest days to fly out and to find the best routes.
Momondo searches thousands of airlines for the best flight deals. You can often find the cheapest flight prices on Momondo because they search hundreds of different airlines and budget airlines – much more than Google Flights does. We usually start our search with Google Flights to find the cheapest days to fly out and then cross reference on Momondo’s site.
Skyscanner is another good tool to search for airfare. It also searches a lot (over 1,200!) of airlines, including smaller carriers and budget airlines , which you don’t find on Google Flights. While we don’t often book with Skyscanner, we will use it to compare prices with Momondo and Google flights to find the best deal.
Scott's Cheap Flights
Scott’s Cheap Flights sends flight deals and mistake fares directly to your inbox. When you sign up, you can choose the airports you fly out of, and they will send you an email whenever there is a flight deal from one of your selected airports. Basically, they do all of the work for you to find great deals for international trips. Another perk – they have a free option available! That’s what we use and I’m happy with the number of deals we get in our inbox.
Train & Bus
Check out the Global Pass with Eurail if you plan to take a lot of trains during your trip in Europe. With the Global Pass, you can travel by train between 33 countries in Europe for often a fraction of the cost of point-to-point tickets. This is best for long-term trips and for travelers who plan to mainly travel by train. For single country rail passes, look into the site Rail Europe.
Japan Rail Pass
The Japan Rail Pass is an affordable option to travel around Japan. It’s worth it to get the pass if you plan to visit more than once city in Japan, otherwise point-to-point tickets can add up quickly. Make sure to order your pass before you arrive in Japan to avoid paying higher prices when you arrive!
Rome 2 Rio
Rome 2 Rio searches the best routes to get to any destination by train, bus, ferry, car, and plane. This site is best for booking transportation in the United States, Canada, Europe, and South America. This site is especially helpful in finding bus tickets in advance.
12 Go Asia
12 Go Asia is similar to Rome 2 Rio but for Asia. This site searches for the best routes to get around Asia by train, bus, ferry, car, and plane. It is useful in booking trains and buses online in Asia since there currently aren’t a lot of other options available.
Bla Bla Car
Bla Bla Car is a carpooling service offered throughout Europe. On this site, you select your destination and pay a small fee to share a ride with a local driver to get you from point A to B. It’s a much cheaper option than renting a car or taking a train, plus you get to meet locals along the way!
This is one of our go-to sites for booking rental cars around the world. They search over 900 different companies to find the best prices and cars for your trips. This site is reliable and has a lot of different car rental options to choose from.
Outdoorsy is kinda like Airbnb but for camper vans and RVs. If you are looking for more of an outdoor adventure in the United States, this is your site! You rent directly from the owner of the vehicle, pick it up, and off you go. The best part – it doubles as a hotel and a car – making it an affordable option.
International Driving Permit
An International Driving Permit (IDP) is required to legally drive in many countries around the world. I would recommend getting one online before your international trip – it’s only $20 and easy to apply. It will give you the peace of mind that you can rent a car anywhere and won’t have to pay hefty fines if you are pulled over without having one.